Gamers & Move Makers, Day 4
Yak Academy Today in Yak academy we continued working on our movies and music videos. The groups finished filming the videos! We are so...

Gamers & Movie-Makers, Day 4
Play- Yellow & Blue Today in PLAY Class we enjoyed some water play! It was fun to be outside in the shade. We even got to take our shoes...

Gamers & Movie Makers, Day 3
Yak Academy Today in Yak academy we continued working on our movies and music videos. Some groups continued to collaborate and plan while...

Gamers & Move Makers, Day 3
Play- Yellow & Blue Today in PLAY Class we did an obstacle course. The focus of the obstacle course was laying prone on a yoga ball and...

Gamers and Movie-Makers - Day Two
We’re back for another day of gaming and movie-making! It’s a warm week, but we kept cool with indoor dance parties, along with movies...

Gamers and Movie-Makers - Day Two
We’re back for another day of gaming and movie-making! It’s a warm week, but we kept cool with indoor dance parties, along with movies...

Gamers and Movie-Makers - Day Two
We’re back for another day of gaming and movie-making! It’s a warm week, but we kept cool with indoor dance parties, along with movies...