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Week 3: day 2

Our campers are out of this world! We had so much fun zooming from class to class and participating in all kinds of activities. Campers created galaxies, played games, and traveled to different planets!

Chitchat class

Today in Chit Chat we went over zones of regulations and talked about our first day of camp. Campers shared all about their day yesterday and all the new friends that they made. We read a book ,Personal Space Camp by Julia Cook. We had a great discussion about respecting other people's space and being a good friend. For our project today we started creating a moon. The campers were excited to make “craters” by dabbing gray paint with a sponge. Tomorrow we will put the finishing touches on them.

Projects class

We continued our trek around our “Galaxy Far Far Away” today with campers doing a fabulous job on our theme in our Projects class called. “Making My Own Galaxy”.. We talked all about what kinds of things we might find traveling through space like --comets, galaxies, spiral formations, planets and stars, and black holes. Each camper created their own unique galaxy with various paint techniques which they named in very creative ways! Here are a few awesome examples of galaxies you might find if you happen to be traveling through space:



Cyborin Ring

Outer Galaxy Cluster


The End Universe

The Almost Fear Galaxy



Blend Nation Galaxy


Pretty creative imaginations at work here on Planet CCY!

Discovery class

Today in Discovery class we created our own UFO’s. We also had some coloring activities and we got to store all of our projects in our space boxes from yesterday!

Mindfulness class

We did a quick recap of Monday’s events and we discussed how we can use our senses to explore our environment and become better learners and observers. We had three rotations with various sensory bins such as candles, kinetic sand, marbles, Hoberman sphere, play-doh and other squishies. A popular bin among the group was kinetic sand! Some of our campers even blindfolded themselves in an attempt to heighten their other senses such as hearing, touch, and smell. Other campers kindly requested Star Trek and wolf coloring pages which will be accessible during tomorrow’s session.

Friendship class

Campers had a great time working together to create a galaxy!

Play class

We had so much fun in class today! Campers got to run through and obstacle course and play toss the bag at the end. We had amazing JCC team members to help throughout class.

Games class

Today in Games Class we put our skills to the test with various board games. Campers enjoyed a change in pace with this calm, and self paced day. Everyone found a game to play with a friend so that all of our friends could participate!

Yak Apprentice

Wow, today was so much fun and informative. Today we talked about empathy and what that looked like in the workplace. Also, what is perspective taking? We got to role play and see what someone else may feel. It is important to learn that other people have different feelings than us and they are just as important as ours.

JCC Team

Today we learned about other teen leaders, played games and, as always, went out to help in classes

Recess time!


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Mailing Address:

PO Box 161

West Linn, OR  97068​

Nonprofit TAX ID: 45-4197236

Summer Camp Location: 

Mountain Park Church

40 McNary Parkway

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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