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Week 4: day 4

How can it be so close to the end of camp already? The fun has never stopped and we surely don't want it to end! Luckily we still have one more day full of fun and friendship.

Projects class

Today in Projects campers created their own brightly colored Eco Bookmarks with natural twine and heavy watercolor paper made of cotton rags.This was a cooling-off project because campers got to dip their bookmarks in cool water, paint and use crayons to create wax-resist effects. They learned to play with the properties and the flow of paint and water, sponging, and using gravity for moving the colors around on their bookmarks. We talked about the importance of water in all of our lives, and what we can do to protect Earth’s precious water resources at home.

Chitchat class

Discovery class

Friendship class

Another wonderful day at CYY. Campers created their own robots today. We used aluminum foil as our robot's background to show the metallic effects. It was incredible to see how campers helped each other to cut their robot parts and advocate for one another when they were unclear on a step. They also were happy to share their unique robots to one another and they congratulated each other on their end results.

Yak Academy

Today we learned about how things are recycled. We talked about how we can be a part of team earth and the things we do within our families such as bringing our own bags to the store, etc..By camper request, we spent time finishing up our dream catchers from earlier in the week. Finally, we got a chance to play some handheld instruments (dejembe drum, kalimba, coconut xylophone, marimba, tambourines, bells, shakers)

Games class

Today was all about the ring toss. Not your ordinary ring toss, but hula hoop ting toss. Campers were challenged with a number of different obstacles to ring their hoop around. Our obstacles ranged from upside down stools to large cones with balls on top of them. The last challenge was to knock the ball off or the top of the cone and then ring the cone. All of our campers were able to achieve the final goal and there where smiles all around! What a great day in Games Class today!


The orange team enjoyed the opportunity to create their own “Tape art” on canvas. They used blue painters tape to create their own design. They used foil sponges, large and small paint brushes to paint their canvas. The green team did some breathing exercises and yoga stretches while creating an imaginary garden.


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