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Week 4: day 2

Full steam ahead on the eco-track! Our campers are learning all about how to make the world a better place. Read on to find out about how we're doing our part!

Friendship class

Another fun day at CYY, today we started with gathering in a circle and reading Try a Little Kindness by Henry Cole. We had a great discussion on how we can show kindness in everyday encounters. We then finished our caterpillars, adding googly eyes and antennas. Campers also had time to start a new project called handprint seasoned trees. Campers had the option of painting their hand or tracing it on paper to use as their tree trunk. They then fingerpainted or used brushes or sponges to add leaves to their tree.

Projects class

Today our theme in Projects was, “Passport to Planet Earth”. Campers had an awesome time today decorating brightly colored mini passport-style booklets with markers , ink ,and “passport stamps” we made from various objects. Our class discussion was about the incredible variety and diversity of landscapes around our planet. We asked questions like, "Where on planet earth would you like to visit? Where have you been? Have you been to the ocean, mountains, cities and communities around the Northwest and beyond?" Campers enjoyed making their passports look colorful, fun, and ready for an adventure near or far!.

Chitchat class

Another fun and exciting day in Chit Chat class. Today we reviewed the book from yesterday, Making Friends Is An Art by Julia Cook. The campers did a great job of sharing their thoughts about what makes a good friend. They all agreed we should be kind to everyone and give compliments. The campers finished their windchime project by adding ribbons and beads.

Discovery class

Campers had a great time making nature hats today!

Play class

Campers had so much working on their balance and aim in play class!

Mindfulness class

Today we continued to practice calming strategies like taking deep breaths during tasks. Campers decorated tote bags by using fabric paint, fabric markers, stencils, and gems. They did a wonderful job staying calm and focused on the tasks while using inside voices.

Games class

Today in Games Class we put our skills to the test with various board games. Campers enjoyed a change in pace with this calm, and self paced day. Everyone found a game to play with a friend so that all of our friends could participate! Some friends wanted to get out in the sun and play basketball, soccer and volleyball. I enjoyed watching campers take initiative by asking to join their friends in a game or activity.

Yak Academy

Today we learned the science behind why we dream and had a good discussion about our dreams. Keeping with the theme of eco track, we upcycled old cds along with items camp already had to create dreamcatchers.

Yak Apprentice

The Yak Apprentices have learned so much valuable information on what it takes to look at job postings, interview, and get a job. Now that we know how to get a job we need to know how to get there. We learned about Trimet and how it is a great resource. We also learned what to do if we don’t like part of our job


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