Yak Travelers: The Next Adventure - Day 4
We had another AMAZING day as Yak Travelers!! At the beginning of our day, we traveled to South America via Google Earth! It was so incredible to see so many beautiful archaeological wonders throughout the continent. Next, we headed to our classes - in our classes we traveled to many places around the globe but also learned more about cultures within the United States like Hawaii and some Native American tribes!
As always the talent show at the end of camp was filled with incredibly gifted dancers, musicians, and singers! The mural of Yak Backs is FULL of all the Yak Backs we’ve earned this week. We earn Yak Backs by being kind and safe plus trying our best. oday alone we earned 309!! We can’t wait to show off the beautiful mural to all our loved ones that come to the End of the Week Party tomorrow!!
Our Dance Party today was EXTRA special!! The lights were turned off and we got glow sticks!! It was such a fun glow-in-the-dark dance party!
Check out what else we did on this terrific Thursday!
ChitChat: Today we learned how to say hello and goodbye in different languages. We then learned more information about the Sydney Opera House. After learning about the opera house, we created one on our own!
Yak Academy: Today, the Yak Academy airplane took us all to Mexico! We learned that Mexico is home to many famous artists and to chocolate, chiles, and corn!! We finished writing our postcards!! They look fabulous - see below!! Campers got to take them home today too! After our postcards, we got to create our own Ojo de Dios projects if we wanted. An Ojo de Dios is an ancient symbol made by the Huichol Indians of Mexico. We used popsicle sticks and yarn to make our own versions. It was so fun to see all the different color yarns used!! They turned out marvelous and we got to take them home today too!
Games: Today we avoided the heat and played a variety of games inside! We got to play against different friends as we rotated through!
Discovery: Today, we learned about Australia! We watched a short video about the continent of Australia and all the cool things there...like did you know it’s winter in Australia right now? Then we learned about the Australian art of dot painting. We looked at some authentic dot painting and got the chance to practice on our own. We picked a picture and then used q tips to dot paint all over our image and make a beautiful picture! It was AMAZING!
Cooking: Ciao, Yak Travelers! Today teams got to learn about Italy. Did you know Italy is close to the size of Arizona? The campers thought that was interesting. Campers talked about Venice and how there are no roads. Instead, people travel in boats. They thought it would be fun to travel in a boat! Another fun fact we talked about was how much pasta people in Italy eat. The average Italian eats around 55 pounds of pasta a year! So today we made pasta salad. The campers had fun learning about another country and trying a new food. All campers worked together safely and respectfully.