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Yak Kingdom: A Magical Quest - Day 5

Hear ye! Hear ye!! A royal announcement from Camp Yakety Yak!!

What an amazing last day of the week here in Yak Kingdom. Campers were busy from drop-off to pick-up with so many amazing activities!! We started the day with our morning meeting and found out we had earned enough Yak Backs for a popsicle party fit for princesses and princes!! What a royal treat.

At the end of our last class of the day, each camper received a special award specifically for them!! Some awards highlighted campers’ noble characteristics while others focused on campers’ legendary talents. Speaking of talents... teams showed off their team talents for their loved ones today at the Family Party!! We also got to enjoy an awesome picture slideshow - it was so fun to look back at our memories from the week. And of course, the camp day ended with a ROYAL DANCE PARTY!!

Check our what else was on the royal agenda:

In Friendship, campers wowed us all with cheering during our Princess Bag Mystery Word game today. So much positivity flowing through the room! Fantastic sportsmanship and friendly messages being shared! We also continued our award-winning singing and dancing.

On our final day in Projects, we learned about castles! First, we looked at examples of castles from all around the world. Then, we made our own magical kingdoms by making handprint castles! We put paint on our hands, which felt so slimy! We then pressed our hands onto some cardstock to make a print. Did you know that your fingers look like castle towers? So cool! We then decorated our handprints with roofs, doors, and even unicorns and dragons to make our unique, magical castles! What a great way to finish our quest!

In PLAY, all of our incredible campers loved the water balloon game today! Everyone was taking their turn to knock the cups down with a water balloon. Some campers then had free play, which was also great because they were also interacting safely with other campers and had fun!

Discovery and Cooking Classes came together for a special video and treat for the end of the week!

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