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Yak Kingdom: A Magical Quest - Day 4

Hear ye! Hear ye!! A royal announcement from Camp Yakety Yak!!

‘Twas the noblest of days here in the Yak Kingdom. We started off the day by learning the second verse of our new camp song!! The song is all about how amazing Camp Yakety Yak is! We can’t wait to sing the song for our loved ones tomorrow at the party!! It’s hard to believe that it’s already Thursday. Time flies when you’re having this much fun!!

We ended the day by practicing our Camp Yakety Yak song again. Then we saw some amazing talents!! The talent shows never disappoint.

Read below to hear of more adventures in Yak Kingdom!

Today in Friendship, we were oh so flexible!! We had a technical issue and couldn’t do our technology activity. So instead, we sang songs and enjoyed watching a short claymation Paper Bag Princess story. We brainstormed ways Prince Ronald could learn to be a better friend and discussed how being a real friend means letting everyone’s light shine!!

Today in Projects we got to make our very own dragons! We dipped bubble wrap in paint, which looks like scales when you stamp it on paper. What a cool way to make dragon skin! We then added googly eyes and FIRE coming out the nostrils! Our dragons looked amazing! Our dragons were all different and unique - just like us!! We had such a good time creating ours to be its own individual dragon!

In PLAY, campers played kickball. It was so incredibly fun!! We learned how to work together as a team and take turns within our teams. We cheered on our teammates when it wasn’t our turn. It was great to have our own moment to kick the ball super duper far!!!

In Discovery, our second group of campers made slime today! Campers followed directions and combined glue, baking soda and contact solution to make their very own ooey, gooey, squishy SLIME! They got to add a color of their choice and slime beads to make their slime unique and special! It was a total blast!!

Cooking was awesome!! It's hot here in the Yak Kingdom Kitchen!! So what better way to cool off than to make milkshakes? The second group of campers had a lot of fun making the kind of milkshake they liked. The campers learned about blender safety. It’s always important to understand the safety rules when using a new tool or appliance in the kitchen!! Afterwards, we made crowns! All campers stayed safe, had a positive attitude, and had fun.

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Mailing Address:

PO Box 161

West Linn, OR  97068​

Nonprofit TAX ID: 45-4197236

Summer Camp Location: 

Mountain Park Church

40 McNary Parkway

Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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