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Aliens, Monsters, and Robots... UNITE! - Day 2

What a stellar day here at Camp Yakety Yak! Campers started earning Yak Backs today for being examples of our three camp rules: be kind, be safe, and try your best! We had soooooo many campers with multiple Yak Backs in their nametags at the end of the day! Tomorrow, a beautiful mural will start with all the Yak Backs we earn and collect!! Wonder what the mural will look like...

Today, at afternoon assembly, we had a ton of awesome talent in the talent show! Some glow-in-the-dark dance moves, a super awesome duet, and even an amazing magic trick by two of our amazing OT clinical practicum students! Campers and staff are out-of-this-world talented and we love that they share their talents with all of us at camp!

As always, there was so much going on at camp today - check it out!

Today in ChitChat, we reviewed the story “Tease Monster” by using iPads to “quiz” ourselves! Campers worked together to try and remember important details and themes from the story. After that, everyone got to express their creativity and individuality by creating their OWN monster, alien, or robot to represent themselves! We included details in our drawings to represent all of the amazing qualities that make us unique.

Each day in Yak Academy we have a Goal of the Day. Today’s goal was to “design our creatures by drawing a sketch and giving our creatures traits.” Each camper filled out a “My Creature” sheet that asked questions like: “where is my creature from?” and “does my creature have superpowers?” After we gave each of our creatures an origin story and a personality, we started to sketch what our creature will look like. The creature designs are so spectacular!!

In Games, we played a great game of Bad Robot vs Good Robot Freeze Tag. The Bad Robot is the tagger and froze people while the Good Robot would unfreeze people. The catch was that the Bad and Good Robots were picked in secret so no one knew who they were until the game started. Campers were quick to pick up on the game and had a blast! There were a few disagreements about whether someone was tagged or not but they were all quickly settled by a single round of Rock/Paper/Scissors.

Today, in Discovery, we became ASTRONAUTS! We took the space ships that we created yesterday and made our own space videos. The campers made their own skits and blasted off into space using our green screen. We then used the super amazing green screen app to add some galactic backgrounds. Some camper-astronauts even became friends with aliens!

Cooking class is letting their inner aliens show this week! Today we made Alien Parfaits. Campers followed a recipe to make layers of vanilla yogurt, cookie crumbles, and sugar free jello. They then put a marshmallow at the end of a bendy straw for the eyes! After trying their yummy treat we talked about how this was a “sometimes” food - not an “everyday” food. All campers had a lot of fun learning to follow a recipe and trying new foods. Everyone stayed safe and were respectful to their team members. Cooking class is a great way to work as a team and share utensils.

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