Space Odyssey, Day 4
Mission Upload: This is Ship Yakety-Yak. Huston, we have a problem: this odyssey is almost at a close! We can see planet Friendship! Stay tuned to see what happens tomorrow on our final day of this trip!
- Captain Luna Stargazer
Friendship was day four in Personal Space Camp which continued through our theme from the book of the week. Each kid made their own personal space camp flag and will come up with their own logo or design that they think represents teaching others how to respect their personal space.
Today we worked on building a space ship - being creative with materials, follow directions! Kids practiced sharing materials and using them correctly.
We got to play with some beanbags! First we threw them normally, but then we also got to practice throwing them while doing other things! We threw them at a tower while standing on a balancing board. There was a yoga ball to sit on and then through the beanbags at a stack of blocks. Finally, we jumped on a trampoline while throwing the bean bags into the basketball hoop.
Today in class, we finished our neat podracers. We were creative and got to finish them in our own unique way! When everyone was done, we did a race against our friends! It was so fun to run around the room and push them!
Today in games class, we made people Jedi! The training was going through the obstacle course, picking up a light saber and being about to defend the alliance against the empire! It was super fun and there were a lot of smiles.
Today we made special space popcorn space meteors! It was even green! The kids made the green dye by mixing some spinach water and melted marshmallows. It was a little sticky and some of us weren't sure about touching it. But, to make it into the ball, we had to get our hands a little sticky.
Today in class, we finished our neat podracers. We were creative and got to finish them in our own unique way! When everyone was done, we did a race against our friends! It was so fun to run around the room and push them!