Buddies - Treasure Hunters, Day 5
Davy Jones' Yaker
Land ho!
Ship Yakety-Yak has dropped anchor 'n lowered th' sails. Wha' a fantastic voyage we've had! Fer th' next week o' camp ye will be joined by me good matey, Captain Luna Stargazer. Spaceship Yakety-Yak blasts into space on July 10th! 'ave a great adventure 'n keep seekin' treasures!
ye cap'n 'n matey,
Davy Jones

A pirate came to camp today! His name is Captain Rick! He sang songs and trained us to be a pirate like him! We learned to swab the deck, stand at attention, dodge canon balls, and scare away an octopus! Captain Rick was very silly! We laughed and laughed when he sprayed us with water!