Day 6 Green, Orange and Silver Teams (Ages 9-11)
Campers were enthused about cooking class while working with the Inside Out theme. They made chocolate covered coconut popcorn to represent anger.
The Chit Chat used youtube videos of kids in various situations, had campers name the feeling, identified where the kids were on the 5 point scale, state a possible solution or cool tool that would help the kid (director has a many links of these videos)
Theater class started with a warm up and jumped into a lot of group participation games including the "My name is _________ and I'm feeling ________." They did a move-along song inspired by Professor Ding a Dong ( and played a version of the telephone with facial expressions.
Games had another great day outside. Today they played relay races. The races were framed with the principals of team work: How do the teams at the camp work? What does it mean to be a team player? What is the difference of a big team and a small team?
The Chit Chat class used youtube videos of kids in various situations, had campers name the feeling, identified where the kids were on the 5 point scale, and state a possible solution or cool tool that would help the kid (director has a many links of these videos)
Yak Academy practiced social/emotional skills learned by working together to begin filming stop motion movies as they began practicing/rehearsing for our movies and using iPads, all with a partner? They created movie folders and got materials ready and set up to film. They also continued to practiced telling their story (finishing up any pieces that may still need work).
Recess options included making Pipe Cleaner Crafts, Zombie Tag, Legos, Open Gym and a game of Poison Dart Frog.
This morning's assembly had a new twist. Camper, Diego brought, Jeff his puppet from home who got to meet Jeremy, a puppet who often makes an appearance at CYY assemblies. Together the puppets presented a conversation on social emotional skills, including being safe and respectful.
For the afternoon assembly we happily welcomed a performance by the musical theater group, "STAGES."