The JCC Perspective (ages 12-15): Part 2
"Yesterday I finished my blog, Part 1, I worked very hard on it. I almost got half a page!! It was crazy fast! It only took like 30 minutes straight from start to finish. Anyway, another topic - What I did yesterday was trying to fit in another half of the blog. The stuff we did at cooking class, and we also learned a song in sign language. It was called, “Can’t Stop The Feeling”, by Justin Timberlake. The sign language song was by: Maddie, the Theatre Instructor for this session in Camp Yakety Yak. Last session, Maddie was the JCC Instructor. It was very difficult for me to be a JCC for the very first time in 4 years!! Now, this is my second time being a JCC. There are new faces and previous faces, and even new teachers and counselors, too. This session, it’s not too hard to be a JCC again. The reason for being a JCC the second time is because last session, I really liked it, It was kind of different because there was more people than last session. And there was 17 people in the JCC team, Black Widows. Like I said, the last blog I said there was this session’s team name, The Black Dragons. It is very nice to be a JCC. I learned the dance last session now I am still practicing. It is kind of difficult and kind of easy at the same time. As a result, the dance is really fun and I love the challenge." -Z
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