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Day 4 Green, Orange and Silver Teams (Ages 9-11)

In the Yak Academy campers were busy Making background, set piece (and props) for the stop-motion movie- video model, brainstorm ideas, break into partners to decide for their story, trying new language like "I would like..." vs. "I want" and thinking about, how do I invite my partner to share an idea "What do you think?" (turn taking) agreeing vs. disagreeing scenarios.

Campers were outside again in Games class and played with the parachute. It was a fun way for the team to play together.

The Chit Chat class reviewed tic-tac-toe stessors from day before, had campers choose one red one and tell what their brain is thinking, what their mouth is saying, what their face is doing, how their body is doing/feeling with a art and craft type activity Talk about the word "triggers" - what are your triggers for anger or worry or stress?

Cooking took a fusion approach to the lesson and had Sun-butter/honey/banana quesadillas.

The Theater students did some funny dancing, made funny noises and got interviewed by John the puppet.

The Sibling Snack group got a chance to talk about the drawings they made the day before.

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