Yellow & Blue Team- Treasure Hunters, Day 3
Davy Jones' Yaker
Ahoy mateys! Today be th' third day aboard ship Yakety Yak. We 'ave been makin' new mateys 'n havin' a lot o' fun! Th' weather was warmer today 'n th' seas were calm. We be still on a quest t' find more gold!
- Davy Jones
Campers worked to make a backdrop from construction paper. The backdrops will be used for the puppet show later this week! The goals were to help campers practice using materials correctly, practice sharing materials, and practice asking for help when needed.
Classes started out with a fun movement break where campers danced around! Today campers worked to identify how nice and mean words make people feel. Each camper felt sandpaper and cotton balls in a sensory activity. They made the connection between nice and not nice feelings. One camper said “mean words feels like sandpaper on my heart”. Finally, they drew a word from a bag and identified if the word was a mean or nice word.
Play class today was moving through an obstacle course! Campers went over, under, and through many different obstacles. They were working on using their whole bodies, and waiting their turns.
Campers learned that “treasures” can be found in unlikely places. Each kid had the chance to share a time when they had found a treasure before and decided if he had been found in an unlikely place. Then, campers found treasure by digging through some sand! Campers were able to bring home their treasures!
Diggin' through th' sand tryin' t' find th' pieces o' eight.