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Buddies: Day 5 (July 2016)

Circle Time

100% participation again today! Since everyone is doing so well with staying together and following directions, we will take a few "field trips" to locations around the camp in the next week. Today we sang "Hello", "Shark", "Hey Burrito", "Go Bananas", and "The Wheels on the Bus." It was lovely to see the campers engaging more with gestures and occasional verbalizations during the songs.


We had some extra time to explore the classroom toys and games before recess today. Puzzles were particularly popular choices.


To practice sequencing, each camper was invited to jump five times on the trampoline before rolling into the bowling pins. Campers were then asked to help Clara reset the pis for the next camper. We continued to practice turn-taking and cheering for our peers while we waited for our next turn.

Arts & Crafts

After looking at clouds from the playground, the campers created cloud art. Campers explored the texture of the cotton balls, glue, and paper plates. A few campers opted to add raindrops to their creations.


You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice-cream! Our campers went on a field trip to the camp kitchen to make ice-cream with the cooking instructors. We enjoyed singing food themed camp songs while we mixed our ingredients. Some of the campers enjoyed eating their creations while others enjoyed feeling the ice cream through the bag.


Most of our campers are now attending afternoon assembly with the main camp. We continued encouraging the campers to cheer for their peers by clapping and waving our streamers. Campers that enjoy quieter settings stay in the Buddies room for second circle time.

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